##|11:53:00.433 [go] Job Started: 2022-05-18 11:53:00 UTC ##|11:53:00.433 pr|11:53:00.433 [go] Start to prepare boliga-ui-build-lt2/290/build/1/docker_build on 86bbd0507b25 [/go] ##|11:53:00.912 [go] Cleaning working directory "/go/pipelines/boliga-ui-build-lt2" since stage is configured to clean working directory pr|11:53:00.912 [go] Start to update materials. pr|11:53:00.912 pr|11:53:00.912 [go] Start updating source at revision 96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02 from https://iteuroinvestor:******@github.com/Boliga-Development/boliga-ui.git pe|11:53:00.915 STDERR: Cloning into '/go/pipelines/boliga-ui-build-lt2/source'... pr|11:53:20.461 [GIT] Fetching changes pr|11:53:21.148 [GIT] Performing git gc pr|11:53:21.256 [GIT] Reset working directory pipelines/boliga-ui-build-lt2/source pr|11:53:21.256 [GIT] Cleaning all unversioned files in working copy pr|11:53:21.480 [GIT] Cleaning submodule configurations in .git/config pr|11:53:21.585 [GIT] Updating working copy to revision 96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02 pr|11:53:21.879 HEAD is now at 96117bb Merge commit '0b6f2feb15cf53e675cf13f718fc7fcc0f16f464' pr|11:53:21.979 [GIT] Removing modified files in submodules pr|11:53:22.104 [GIT] Cleaning all unversioned files in working copy pr|11:53:22.341 [go] Done. pr|11:53:22.341 pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_ENVIRONMENT_NAME' to value 'DotNetCoreLinux' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] overriding environment variable 'GO_SERVER_URL' with value 'https://build1:8154/go' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_TRIGGER_USER' to value 'changes' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_PIPELINE_NAME' to value 'boliga-ui-build-lt2' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_PIPELINE_COUNTER' to value '290' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_PIPELINE_LABEL' to value '290' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_STAGE_NAME' to value 'build' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_STAGE_COUNTER' to value '1' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_JOB_NAME' to value 'docker_build' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_REVISION_GIT_BOLIGA_UI' to value '96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_TO_REVISION_GIT_BOLIGA_UI' to value '96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02' pr|11:53:22.341 [go] setting environment variable 'GO_FROM_REVISION_GIT_BOLIGA_UI' to value '9cd9455cd9ba4d3d3fd86e88600278ec75f129a2' pr|11:53:22.341 ##|11:53:22.351 [go] Start to build boliga-ui-build-lt2/290/build/1/docker_build on 86bbd0507b25 [/go] !!|11:53:22.351 [go] Task: Plugin with ID: script-executor |11:53:22.352 [script-executor] OS detected: 'Linux'. Is Windows? false |11:53:22.352 [script-executor] Script: |11:53:22.352 |11:53:22.352 [script-executor] ------------------------- |11:53:22.352 docker build --no-cache --tag eidockerregistry.azurecr.io/boligaui-lt2:$GO_REVISION_GIT_BOLIGA_UI --build-arg DSB_TOKEN=656e488e-6369-4909-a95d-b4b7d869b322 --file /go/pipelines/$GO_PIPELINE_NAME/source/Dockerfile.production /go/pipelines/$GO_PIPELINE_NAME/source |11:53:22.352 docker login eidockerregistry.azurecr.io -u eidockerregistry -p liBhcpRN420x/JdQXRlKlUTdWNMIn1aS |11:53:22.352 docker push eidockerregistry.azurecr.io/boligaui-lt2:$GO_REVISION_GIT_BOLIGA_UI |11:53:22.353 [script-executor] ------------------------- |11:53:22.353 [script-executor] Script Type: bash |11:53:22.363 [script-executor] Script written into '/go/pipelines\boliga-ui-build-lt2/54162115-0a3f-487f-9af1-76cce9d52ec5.sh'. |11:53:23.535 Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.43MB |11:53:23.535 |11:53:23.565 Step 1/16 : FROM node:16.15.0-alpine3.15 as npm_builder |11:53:25.288 16.15.0-alpine3.15: Pulling from library/node |11:53:25.742 df9b9388f04a: Pulling fs layer |11:53:25.742 70c90f7de7cb: Pulling fs layer |11:53:25.742 f83937c3ce37: Pulling fs layer |11:53:25.742 98b78bba1d70: Pulling fs layer |11:53:25.743 98b78bba1d70: Waiting |11:53:26.228 df9b9388f04a: Verifying Checksum |11:53:26.228 df9b9388f04a: Download complete |11:53:26.235 f83937c3ce37: Verifying Checksum |11:53:26.235 f83937c3ce37: Download complete |11:53:26.564 70c90f7de7cb: Verifying Checksum |11:53:26.565 70c90f7de7cb: Download complete |11:53:26.656 98b78bba1d70: Verifying Checksum |11:53:26.656 98b78bba1d70: Download complete |11:53:26.689 df9b9388f04a: Pull complete |11:53:29.129 70c90f7de7cb: Pull complete |11:53:29.419 f83937c3ce37: Pull complete |11:53:29.605 98b78bba1d70: Pull complete |11:53:29.652 Digest: sha256:1a9a71ea86aad332aa7740316d4111ee1bd4e890df47d3b5eff3e5bded3b3d10 |11:53:29.671 Status: Downloaded newer image for node:16.15.0-alpine3.15 |11:53:29.680 ---> e5065cc78074 |11:53:29.680 Step 2/16 : ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"] |11:53:29.826 ---> Running in e14852e9596d |11:53:30.006 Removing intermediate container e14852e9596d |11:53:30.006 ---> 7145d7834a36 |11:53:30.006 Step 3/16 : COPY ./package*.json /var/www/app/ |11:53:30.532 ---> fc72c15c94b8 |11:53:30.532 Step 4/16 : WORKDIR /var/www/app |11:53:30.734 ---> Running in 4c5976d356da |11:53:30.989 Removing intermediate container 4c5976d356da |11:53:30.989 ---> c9afaea8495f |11:53:30.989 Step 5/16 : RUN npm ci |11:53:31.280 ---> Running in cfabe4d9f96e |11:53:45.717 npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.6.0: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated |11:53:46.369 npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. |11:53:46.624 npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead. |11:53:48.040 npm WARN deprecated ng-click-outside@9.0.1: ng-click-outside is no longer maintained. See https://github.com/arkon/ng-sidebar/issues/229 |11:53:48.651 npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 |11:53:49.380 npm WARN deprecated ng-inline-svg@13.1.2: ng-inline-svg is no longer maintained. See https://github.com/arkon/ng-sidebar/issues/229 |11:53:49.698 npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported |11:53:53.112 npm WARN deprecated @types/path-to-regexp@1.7.0: This is a stub types definition for path-to-regexp (https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp). path-to-regexp provides its own type definitions, so you don't need @types/path-to-regexp installed! |11:53:53.360 npm WARN deprecated @turf/within@3.14.0: Module has been renamed to @turf/points-within-polygon |11:53:53.576 npm WARN deprecated @turf/point-on-surface@3.14.0: Module has been renamed to @turf/point-on-feature |11:53:53.729 npm WARN deprecated @turf/point-on-line@3.14.2: Module has been renamed to @turf/nearest-point-on-line |11:53:53.866 npm WARN deprecated @turf/line-distance@3.14.2: Module deprecated in favor of @turf/length |11:53:53.954 npm WARN deprecated @turf/idw@3.14.0: module will be replaced with @turf/interpolate |11:53:53.961 npm WARN deprecated @turf/inside@3.14.0: Module has been renamed to @turf/boolean-point-in-polygon |11:53:54.283 npm WARN deprecated @turf/nearest@3.14.0: Module has been renamed to @turf/nearest-point |11:53:54.645 npm WARN deprecated @turf/bezier@3.14.0: Module has been renamed to @turf/bezier-spline |11:53:56.870 npm WARN deprecated @turf/inside@4.7.3: Module has been renamed to @turf/boolean-point-in-polygon |11:53:56.914 npm WARN deprecated @turf/within@4.7.3: Module has been renamed to @turf/points-within-polygon |11:53:57.682 npm WARN deprecated @wessberg/ts-evaluator@0.0.27: this package has been renamed to ts-evaluator. Please install ts-evaluator instead |11:53:57.857 npm WARN deprecated lru-cache@7.4.1: Please update to latest patch version to fix memory leak https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache/issues/227 |11:53:58.122 npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) |11:54:01.158 npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) |11:54:05.383 npm WARN deprecated tslint@6.1.3: TSLint has been deprecated in favor of ESLint. Please see https://github.com/palantir/tslint/issues/4534 for more information. |11:54:16.913  |11:54:16.913 > boliga@1.0.0 postinstall |11:54:16.913 > ngcc |11:54:16.913 |11:54:19.444 Processing legacy "View Engine" libraries: |11:54:20.084 - ngx-logger [fesm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:20.733 - ngx-facebook [fesm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/zyra/ngx-facebook.git) |11:54:21.619 - @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap [fesm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap.git) |11:54:23.305 - angular-google-charts [fesm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/FERNman/angular-google-charts) |11:54:24.243 - ng-dynamic-component [fesm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/gund/ng-dynamic-component.git) |11:54:24.470 - ng-svg-icon-sprite [fesm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/jannicz/ng-svg-icon-sprite.git) |11:54:25.178 - ngx-logger/testing [fesm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:25.469 - swiper_angular [fesm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/nolimits4web/Swiper.git) |11:54:25.641 - angular-google-charts [esm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/FERNman/angular-google-charts) |11:54:26.332 - angular-google-charts [main/umd] (https://github.com/FERNman/angular-google-charts) |11:54:26.387 - ng-dynamic-component [esm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/gund/ng-dynamic-component.git) |11:54:27.136 - ng-svg-icon-sprite [esm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/jannicz/ng-svg-icon-sprite.git) |11:54:27.220 - ng-dynamic-component [main/umd] (https://github.com/gund/ng-dynamic-component.git) |11:54:27.453 - ng-svg-icon-sprite [main/umd] (git+https://github.com/jannicz/ng-svg-icon-sprite.git) |11:54:27.897 - ngx-facebook [fesm5/esm5] (git+https://github.com/zyra/ngx-facebook.git) |11:54:28.203 - ngx-facebook [esm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/zyra/ngx-facebook.git) |11:54:28.351 - ngx-facebook [esm5/esm5] (git+https://github.com/zyra/ngx-facebook.git) |11:54:28.756 - ngx-facebook [main/umd] (git+https://github.com/zyra/ngx-facebook.git) |11:54:28.799 - @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap [esm2015/esm2015] (git+https://github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap.git) |11:54:29.138 - @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap [main/umd] (git+https://github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap.git) |11:54:29.212 - ngx-logger [esm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:29.526 - ngx-logger [main/umd] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:29.933 - ngx-logger/testing [esm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:30.268 - ngx-logger/testing [main/umd] (https://github.com/dbfannin/ngx-logger) |11:54:30.547 - swiper_angular [esm2015/esm2015] (https://github.com/nolimits4web/Swiper.git) |11:54:31.147 - swiper_angular [main/umd] (https://github.com/nolimits4web/Swiper.git) |11:54:31.988 Encourage the library authors to publish an Ivy distribution. |11:54:32.065 |11:54:32.065 > boliga@1.0.0 prepare |11:54:32.065 > husky install |11:54:32.065 |11:54:32.164 |11:54:32.164 added 1738 packages, and audited 1739 packages in 60s |11:54:32.164 |11:54:32.164 214 packages are looking for funding |11:54:32.164 run `npm fund` for details |11:54:32.195 |11:54:32.195 13 vulnerabilities (12 high, 1 critical) |11:54:32.195 |11:54:32.195 To address issues that do not require attention, run: |11:54:32.195 npm audit fix |11:54:32.195 |11:54:32.195 To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: |11:54:32.195 npm audit fix --force |11:54:32.195 |11:54:32.195 Some issues need review, and may require choosing |11:54:32.195 a different dependency. |11:54:32.195 |11:54:32.195 Run `npm audit` for details. |11:54:32.196 npm notice |11:54:32.196 npm notice New minor version of npm available! 8.5.5 -> 8.10.0 |11:54:32.197 npm notice Changelog: |11:54:32.197 npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@8.10.0` to update! |11:54:32.197 npm notice |11:55:57.555 Removing intermediate container cfabe4d9f96e |11:55:57.555 ---> 9c32938a75ad |11:55:57.599 Step 6/16 : FROM npm_builder as builder |11:55:57.599 ---> 9c32938a75ad |11:55:57.599 Step 7/16 : COPY . /var/www/app |11:56:03.018 ---> b2932a6bb671 |11:56:03.018 Step 8/16 : ENV PATH /var/www/app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH |11:56:03.399 ---> Running in 4d2c82476fe9 |11:56:04.079 Removing intermediate container 4d2c82476fe9 |11:56:04.079 ---> 4fed135b7028 |11:56:04.079 Step 9/16 : WORKDIR /var/www/app |11:56:05.537 ---> Running in 32668cd5e6d2 |11:56:05.939 Removing intermediate container 32668cd5e6d2 |11:56:05.939 ---> af7fc2502fcd |11:56:05.939 Step 10/16 : ARG DSB_TOKEN |11:56:06.078 ---> Running in bcc747e7ac90 |11:56:06.367 Removing intermediate container bcc747e7ac90 |11:56:06.367 ---> 8d4ae699f77b |11:56:06.367 Step 11/16 : RUN npm run build:ssr |11:56:06.519 ---> Running in 1f930c8a7e27 |11:56:10.103 |11:56:10.103 > boliga@1.0.0 build:ssr |11:56:10.103 > npm run set-dsb-token && npm run build:client-and-server-bundles |11:56:10.103 |11:56:10.493 |11:56:10.493 > boliga@1.0.0 set-dsb-token |11:56:10.493 > node ./src/app/helper/dsb-token/patch-dsb.js |11:56:10.493 |11:56:10.575 [dsb-token] setting DSB token "656e488e-6369-4909-a95d-b4b7d869b322" |11:56:10.991 |11:56:10.991 > boliga@1.0.0 build:client-and-server-bundles |11:56:10.991 > npm run build-icon-sprite && node --max_old_space_size=3069 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --configuration production --aot --build-optimizer && node --max_old_space_size=3096 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng run Boliga:server:production |11:56:10.991 |11:56:11.343 |11:56:11.343 > boliga@1.0.0 build-icon-sprite |11:56:11.343 > svg2sprite ./src/assets/svg/icons ./src/assets/svg/sprites/sprite.svg --stripAttrs id |11:56:11.343 |11:56:11.634 >> Created spriter instance |11:56:11.645 >> Read directory... |11:56:11.821 >> Start compiling... |11:56:11.857 >> Finished sprite compilation |11:56:11.857 >> Created 1 SVG sprite from 350 SVG's. |11:56:18.410 - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)... |11:58:22.759 ??? Browser application bundle generation complete. |11:58:28.115 ??? Browser application bundle generation complete. |11:58:28.119 - Copying assets... |11:58:28.689 ??? Copying assets complete. |11:58:28.689 - Generating index html... |11:58:28.739 ??? Index html generation complete. |11:58:28.739 - Generating service worker... |11:58:29.719 ??? Service worker generation complete. |11:58:29.731  |11:58:29.732 Initial Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size |11:58:29.732 main.2e50ef2f8f83238c.js | main | 1.00 MB | 239.27 kB |11:58:29.732 styles.c970b293b407a06a.css | styles | 365.69 kB | 38.01 kB |11:58:29.732 polyfills.a303a8e7b2ffe4d1.js | polyfills | 64.88 kB | 20.82 kB |11:58:29.732 runtime.144259fd1412be93.js | runtime | 5.78 kB | 2.71 kB |11:58:29.732 |11:58:29.732 | Initial Total | 1.43 MB | 300.81 kB |11:58:29.732 |11:58:29.732 Lazy Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size |11:58:29.732 4723.28236524759129d6.js | modules-sold-inner-sold-inner-module | 475.21 kB | 98.30 kB |11:58:29.732 688.6638f5649a1547f7.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 451.41 kB | 59.47 kB |11:58:29.732 6738.32b677f38aaf4d7d.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 372.05 kB | 59.87 kB |11:58:29.732 6118.4f37cd8f568b8fa8.js | modules-projectsale-projectsale-module | 367.34 kB | 54.48 kB |11:58:29.732 737.f64d269668d17dbd.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 318.19 kB | 58.63 kB |11:58:29.732 2141.d29e947fb132fea5.js | modules-visitor-statistics-visitor-statistics-module | 217.60 kB | 50.71 kB |11:58:29.732 3128.6efa959db25636fd.js | modules-typehus-frontpage-typehus-frontpage-module | 183.20 kB | 40.81 kB |11:58:29.732 4377.22f3bfedc4ad0281.js | modules-bbr-bbr-module | 167.58 kB | 30.43 kB |11:58:29.732 7128.00ea1145a0a24cae.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 144.73 kB | 36.33 kB |11:58:29.732 6052.a7bff90f9075e294.js | modules-property-index-property-index-module | 142.92 kB | 20.91 kB |11:58:29.732 4499.6b8aacceab3f76c2.js | modules-homepage-homepage-module | 131.65 kB | 19.11 kB |11:58:29.732 7360.9abff52da4d8f90e.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 96.75 kB | 24.65 kB |11:58:29.732 3004.935f5cc46f86174a.js | modules-search-on-map-search-on-map-module | 90.77 kB | 19.85 kB |11:58:29.732 6601.b02a65e50ab6ef97.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 87.02 kB | 25.85 kB |11:58:29.732 502.c2baaaed56e346e5.js | modules-order-order-module | 86.47 kB | 18.96 kB |11:58:29.732 2814.c5d10766b2a6643b.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 84.70 kB | 10.29 kB |11:58:29.732 186.62d81c19ea0dfd03.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 82.49 kB | 20.04 kB |11:58:29.732 4039.fd6f1b92da6f9936.js | modules-homepage-homepage-module | 82.10 kB | 17.64 kB |11:58:29.732 9560.7fef03c62011c306.js | modules-evaluation-report-evaluation-report-module | 80.44 kB | 18.67 kB |11:58:29.732 9906.8576609157cdb96c.js | modules-visitor-statistics-visitor-statistics-module | 80.16 kB | 19.30 kB |11:58:29.732 4634.5e12c89ab4f3db09.js | up-saved-up-saved-module | 73.90 kB | 15.21 kB |11:58:29.732 5275.eaae0aaa2817f059.js | modules-real-estate-agency-inner-real-estate-agency-inner-module | 73.85 kB | 13.91 kB |11:58:29.732 3277.5a5b7bebd11e547a.js | modules-homepage-homepage-module | 72.01 kB | 15.87 kB |11:58:29.732 6402.ca84586eb7d2d59d.js | modules-municipality-site-municipality-site-module | 65.56 kB | 10.92 kB |11:58:29.732 5593.7a8ba1ff5401e788.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 65.54 kB | 12.67 kB |11:58:29.732 4278.486a6f54e8b7fcc8.js | modules-video-video-module | 58.23 kB | 10.35 kB |11:58:29.732 1703.84c7c10aa1b49122.js | modules-real-estate-agencies-real-estate-agencies-module | 56.88 kB | 10.79 kB |11:58:29.732 2211.c6a2567df7cfd8f8.js | up-deeds-up-deeds-module | 53.55 kB | 11.98 kB |11:58:29.732 291.29cb54f403e95c83.js | modules-sold-inner-sold-inner-module | 53.12 kB | 12.36 kB |11:58:29.732 7584.b505573d9f334831.js | modules-housing-report-housing-report-module | 45.58 kB | 8.85 kB |11:58:29.732 3351.4a6bdb14352228a5.js | modules-sold-properties-sold-properties-module | 45.27 kB | 10.93 kB |11:58:29.732 6222.4be29f4c1f59af7a.js | up-my-premium-up-my-premium-module | 40.89 kB | 8.06 kB |11:58:29.732 5544.707c13fbdcbfdff4.js | modules-example-example-module | 40.87 kB | 9.15 kB |11:58:29.732 2536.02d6d919bdbc15cd.js | modules-homepage-homepage-module | 40.25 kB | 8.47 kB |11:58:29.732 7771.1ebab46fdbce9997.js | modules-terms-and-conditions-terms-and-conditions-module | 39.58 kB | 9.33 kB |11:58:29.732 8201.5fa44f75b0e5ac52.js | modules-premium-create-listing-premium-create-listing-module | 35.54 kB | 9.18 kB |11:58:29.732 2511.74c7e6d71ef3f260.js | modules-statistics-statistics-module | 34.20 kB | 8.71 kB |11:58:29.732 908.c2a711afb7ef1f71.js | modules-historical-prices-historical-prices-module | 32.14 kB | 8.24 kB |11:58:29.732 52.ad44bcb42b1c7781.js | modules-sold-inner-sold-inner-module | 32.10 kB | 6.89 kB |11:58:29.732 5266.e01dcd5216d16027.js | modules-article-inner-article-inner-module | 31.98 kB | 8.11 kB |11:58:29.732 9449.5c53caa31bd54edf.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 29.94 kB | 5.96 kB |11:58:29.732 1838.0cdd60c29c7e21d3.js | up-payments-up-payments-module | 29.59 kB | 6.17 kB |11:58:29.732 1194.9748787f6e5871e1.js | modules-personal-data-policy-personal-data-policy-module | 29.46 kB | 7.53 kB |11:58:29.732 9031.1694978c0b85a3a0.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 28.68 kB | 7.14 kB |11:58:29.732 common.28211d5e94e2c4f7.js | common | 28.51 kB | 6.78 kB |11:58:29.732 4094.0410a359cc8287ad.js | modules-sold-properties-list-sold-properties-list-module | 28.02 kB | 6.46 kB |11:58:29.732 608.5930fe1cac03cced.js | modules-premium-update-listing-premium-update-listing-module | 27.20 kB | 7.04 kB |11:58:29.732 8659.7a863479bc1b27c1.js | modules-soegeagent-soegeagent-module | 26.61 kB | 6.61 kB |11:58:29.732 8673.6d6072dfa39d5439.js | modules-most-viewed-properties-list-most-viewed-properties-list-module | 23.13 kB | 6.33 kB |11:58:29.732 7981.8c9672688403fd11.js | modules-gallery-page-gallery-page-module | 23.07 kB | 6.25 kB |11:58:29.732 9942.4587127042df5777.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 22.75 kB | 5.57 kB |11:58:29.732 9770.d9edfd5f8b2c6e00.js | modules-press-press-module | 22.74 kB | 6.51 kB |11:58:29.732 814.43bcb432de58c50d.js | modules-order-order-module | 22.16 kB | 5.26 kB |11:58:29.732 5085.348e831ae363380d.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 21.78 kB | 5.39 kB |11:58:29.732 1589.51f86cc4bd5beb7b.js | up-facebook-catalogue-up-facebook-catalogue-module | 21.57 kB | 6.32 kB |11:58:29.732 622.ad72a237e8be29e1.js | modules-top-ten-lists-top-ten-lists-module | 21.11 kB | 5.76 kB |11:58:29.732 4604.cefb155718dfb384.js | modules-articles-articles-module | 21.00 kB | 5.33 kB |11:58:29.732 6759.1485f47935d32906.js | up-edit-profile-up-edit-profile-module | 20.65 kB | 5.27 kB |11:58:29.732 1276.0d3345c6bc21faef.js | modules-bbr-search-list-bbr-search-list-module | 19.96 kB | 5.50 kB |11:58:29.732 5855.46121253a9979894.js | modules-sold-properties-list-sold-properties-list-module | 19.39 kB | 4.98 kB |11:58:29.732 1642.b60e3c03f0065b5e.js | modules-statistics-press-statistics-press-module | 18.82 kB | 5.47 kB |11:58:29.732 7281.69bce2c343231c5f.js | modules-sign-up-sign-up-module | 18.18 kB | 5.30 kB |11:58:29.732 8938.f8d5cb83216b611f.js | modules-foreclosures-foreclosures-module | 18.11 kB | 5.55 kB |11:58:29.732 8721.14475e5c2a3f5ed6.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 17.26 kB | 4.33 kB |11:58:29.732 4062.4fa846c17052dbce.js | modules-real-estate-agency-inner-real-estate-agency-inner-module | 16.93 kB | 4.32 kB |11:58:29.732 1738.0e8f6523a460c868.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 15.86 kB | 5.19 kB |11:58:29.732 824.dccf0d5342b6d0ab.js | modules-premium-create-listing-premium-create-listing-module | 15.45 kB | 3.17 kB |11:58:29.732 6317.59036dcaec673903.js | modules-price-development-price-development-module | 15.43 kB | 4.55 kB |11:58:29.732 7775.584bbb7339e23399.js | modules-pricereductions-municipalities-pricereductions-municipalities-module | 14.53 kB | 4.47 kB |11:58:29.732 3646.4efb9addca3d2b7e.js | modules-homepage-homepage-module | 14.41 kB | 3.58 kB |11:58:29.732 1129.7f14f877edb1c6f1.js | modules-user-panel-user-panel-module | 14.33 kB | 3.60 kB |11:58:29.732 2770.47eb7567315cf5f4.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 14.30 kB | 3.70 kB |11:58:29.732 1210.c7189c41a3665e03.js | modules-squaremeterprice-municipality-squaremeterprice-municipality-module | 13.90 kB | 4.39 kB |11:58:29.732 982.4753565c085216a7.js | modules-laydays-municipality-laydays-municipality-module | 13.78 kB | 4.36 kB |11:58:29.732 5577.7dd9f13aa0b91cef.js | modules-facebook-product-facebook-product-module | 13.38 kB | 3.64 kB |11:58:29.732 3046.ed8b7c6eca9faa2d.js | modules-contact-contact-module | 12.41 kB | 3.61 kB |11:58:29.732 2886.67044848ce1ba698.js | modules-terms-and-conditions-deed-terms-and-conditions-deed-module | 12.39 kB | 4.19 kB |11:58:29.732 3749.b6c432e3cc1fb517.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 12.32 kB | 3.41 kB |11:58:29.732 2185.ba04c8f9ec1c9a77.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 12.13 kB | 3.78 kB |11:58:29.732 9479.b83d1670ceb7d95b.js | modules-faq-faq-module | 11.49 kB | 3.57 kB |11:58:29.732 8260.1a83fe845a861eb9.js | modules-bvs-bvs-module | 11.34 kB | 3.07 kB |11:58:29.732 7888.4288850b4e0744dd.js | modules-article-inner-article-inner-module | 11.14 kB | 3.49 kB |11:58:29.732 7860.8276a9e920a42cb2.js | up-my-consent-up-my-consent-module | 10.82 kB | 3.12 kB |11:58:29.732 4663.e1b13afd07e6239e.js | modules-page-not-found-page-not-found-module | 10.76 kB | 3.35 kB |11:58:29.732 5408.68a1d3e280b2a48b.js | modules-housing-list-housing-list-module | 10.19 kB | 2.64 kB |11:58:29.732 8188.96ad798d94a02df2.js | modules-real-estate-agencies-real-estate-agencies-module | 9.04 kB | 2.97 kB |11:58:29.732 8426.77fa5f65fa58423f.js | modules-bbr-index-bbr-index-module | 7.98 kB | 2.63 kB |11:58:29.732 9308.a8b8b89b7b6d3c43.js | modules-buy-data-buy-data-module | 7.75 kB | 2.53 kB |11:58:29.732 1535.84639f2bce2a5e3d.js | modules-roulette-roulette-module | 6.72 kB | 1.80 kB |11:58:29.732 5681.f005ab3f6659ba0b.js | modules-change-password-change-password-module | 6.33 kB | 2.15 kB |11:58:29.732 5449.7d255a00783101d0.js | modules-employee-list-employee-list-module | 6.02 kB | 2.00 kB |11:58:29.732 5089.e911f09ca8896458.js | modules-password-reset-password-reset-module | 5.97 kB | 2.11 kB |11:58:29.732 3806.8c3b6daf211403b0.js | modules-cookie-policy-cookie-policy-module | 5.69 kB | 1.99 kB |11:58:29.732 6145.25f6b4a863e604a1.js | - | 5.34 kB | 2.15 kB |11:58:29.732 4235.7aa2d75429f76e8b.js | - | 5.33 kB | 2.07 kB |11:58:29.732 801.e0d0420f23b133d2.js | - | 5.17 kB | 2.11 kB |11:58:29.732 6550.ee3d56d441950887.js | - | 4.98 kB | 2.01 kB |11:58:29.732 6662.3d62d352586e8bde.js | modules-landing-agencies-landing-agencies-module | 4.95 kB | 1.62 kB |11:58:29.732 1619.ec458d16daec5517.js | - | 4.91 kB | 2.11 kB |11:58:29.732 8723.fabf24e39d101294.js | - | 4.86 kB | 1.94 kB |11:58:29.732 1436.f0f6b5edb16045e5.js | - | 4.62 kB | 1.91 kB |11:58:29.732 2934.23e9b8b6c15a55f5.js | modules-complaints-complaints-module | 4.57 kB | 1.55 kB |11:58:29.732 9694.1fecc415f9033646.js | - | 4.54 kB | 1.87 kB |11:58:29.732 5336.3b04f1e60e476c0e.js | - | 4.30 kB | 1.73 kB |11:58:29.732 9716.15bccaad425ebd52.js | modules-login-login-module | 3.80 kB | 1.32 kB |11:58:29.732 6254.e6f131bba7b34fbe.js | modules-cookie-settings-cookie-settings-module | 3.79 kB | 1.24 kB |11:58:29.732 4330.8bda0e60768bac46.js | modules-validateuser-validateuser-module | 3.63 kB | 1.43 kB |11:58:29.732 883.0ec0c3c2c8c98974.js | modules-salespriceagent-unsubscribe-salespriceagent-unsubscribe-module | 2.41 kB | 1015 bytes |11:58:29.732 1227.92019dfb43a2ffd3.js | modules-impersonation-impersonation-module | 1.20 kB | 544 bytes |11:58:29.732 6308.89df26cb5082843a.js | up-advertisement-up-advertisement-module | 789 bytes | 390 bytes |11:58:29.732 |11:58:29.732 Build at: 2022-05-18T11:58:29.726Z - Hash: 95ed6c8072292dc1 - Time: 130809ms |11:58:29.733  |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-charts/fesm2020/swimlane-ngx-charts.mjs depends on 'clone-deep'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. |11:58:29.733 For more info see: https://angular.io/guide/build#configuring-commonjs-dependencies |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/bvs/bvs/components/shared/bvs-property-statistics/bvs-stats-health/bvs-stats-health.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 152 bytes with a total of 6.15 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/bvs/bvs/components/shared/bvs-property-statistics/bvs-stats-history/bvs-stats-history.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 473 bytes with a total of 6.46 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/bvs/bvs/components/shared/bvs-property-statistics/bvs-stats-rain/bvs-stats-rain.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 155 bytes with a total of 6.15 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/bvs/bvs/components/shared/bvs-property-statistics/bvs-stats-value/bvs-stats-value.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 2.55 kB with a total of 8.55 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/bvs/bvs/components/shared/bvs-shared-map-wrapper/bvs-shared-map-wrapper.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 4.77 kB with a total of 10.77 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/evaluation-report/specific-property/specific-property.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 1.70 kB with a total of 7.70 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/housing-list-item/housing-list-item.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 112 bytes with a total of 6.11 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/municipality-site/municipality-site.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 1.79 kB with a total of 7.79 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/projectsale/estate/estate.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 11.35 kB with a total of 17.35 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/projectsale/project/project.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 13.41 kB with a total of 19.41 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/search/advanced-filter/advanced-filter.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 4.73 kB with a total of 10.73 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/search/filter-container/filter-list-type/filter-list-type.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 1.14 kB with a total of 7.14 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/search/new-search/new-advanced-filter/new-advanced-filter.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 1.57 kB with a total of 7.57 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/sold-properties/basic-search/basic-search.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 4.79 kB with a total of 10.79 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/typehus-frontpage/typehus-frontpage/typehus-search/typehus-search.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 1.63 kB with a total of 7.63 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/video/video/components/video-player/video-player.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 2.44 kB with a total of 8.44 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 Warning: /var/www/app/src/app/modules/visual-search/visual-search-map/visual-search-map.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 3.02 kB with a total of 9.02 kB. |11:58:29.733 |11:58:29.733 |11:58:32.648 - Generating server application bundles (phase: setup)... |12:00:15.375 ??? Server application bundle generation complete. |12:00:20.043 ??? Server application bundle generation complete. |12:00:20.063  |12:00:20.063 Initial Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size |12:00:20.063 main.js | main | 14.16 MB | |12:00:20.063 |12:00:20.063 | Initial Total | 14.16 MB |12:00:20.063 |12:00:20.063 Build at: 2022-05-18T12:00:20.047Z - Hash: b2542957140a4da3 - Time: 107170ms |12:00:32.323 Removing intermediate container 1f930c8a7e27 |12:00:32.323 ---> 890128c3045b |12:00:32.323 Step 12/16 : FROM node:16.15.0-alpine3.15 as production |12:00:32.324 ---> e5065cc78074 |12:00:32.324 Step 13/16 : COPY --from=builder /var/www/app/dist /var/www/app |12:00:34.422 ---> 40ab4207e6bb |12:00:34.422 Step 14/16 : WORKDIR /var/www/app |12:00:34.531 ---> Running in 3eda8cb456bb |12:00:34.759 Removing intermediate container 3eda8cb456bb |12:00:34.759 ---> 2640136952df |12:00:34.759 Step 15/16 : ENV PORT= |12:00:34.867 ---> Running in 02540706b825 |12:00:35.079 Removing intermediate container 02540706b825 |12:00:35.079 ---> e3301ae47dc7 |12:00:35.079 Step 16/16 : CMD ["node", "--max_semi_space_size=8", "--max_old_space_size=1024", "server/main.js"] |12:00:35.183 ---> Running in 6c498a014731 |12:00:35.379 Removing intermediate container 6c498a014731 |12:00:35.379 ---> 609d92693186 |12:00:35.441 Successfully built 609d92693186 |12:00:35.463 Successfully tagged eidockerregistry.azurecr.io/boligaui-lt2:96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02 |12:00:35.696 WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. |12:00:36.138 WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/go/.docker/config.json. |12:00:36.138 Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See |12:00:36.138 https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store |12:00:36.138 |12:00:36.147 Login Succeeded |12:00:36.263 The push refers to repository [eidockerregistry.azurecr.io/boligaui-lt2] |12:00:36.411 eb7dcd49ced8: Preparing |12:00:36.411 b96a177683f0: Preparing |12:00:36.412 17b988d160a7: Preparing |12:00:36.412 7e70902c1c87: Preparing |12:00:36.412 4fc242d58285: Preparing |12:00:37.815 b96a177683f0: Pushed |12:00:38.152 17b988d160a7: Pushed |12:00:38.214 4fc242d58285: Pushed |12:00:41.112 eb7dcd49ced8: Pushed |12:00:44.352 7e70902c1c87: Pushed |12:00:45.893 96117bbf9fd06bdfbe17ee77cd84e2528a380b02: digest: sha256:54a211b782653027c4bda19943e081000701e03ab5a902f0ea992d0f202c7616 size: 1370 ?0|12:00:45.906 [go] Task status: passed (443555 ms) !!|12:00:45.906 [go] Task: Plugin with ID: script-executor |12:00:45.908 [script-executor] OS detected: 'Linux'. Is Windows? false |12:00:45.908 [script-executor] Script: |12:00:45.908 |12:00:45.908 [script-executor] ------------------------- |12:00:45.908 env > /godata/pipelines/$GO_PIPELINE_NAME/parent.env |12:00:45.908 [script-executor] ------------------------- |12:00:45.908 [script-executor] Script Type: bash |12:00:45.911 [script-executor] Script written into '/go/pipelines\boliga-ui-build-lt2/e6bfb4e1-32d5-4a61-ae34-276255593698.sh'. ?0|12:00:45.932 [go] Task status: passed (26 ms) j0|12:00:45.942 [go] Current job status: passed ##|12:00:45.945 [go] Start to create properties boliga-ui-build-lt2/290/build/1/docker_build on 86bbd0507b25 [/go] ar|12:00:45.945 [go] Start to upload boliga-ui-build-lt2/290/build/1/docker_build on 86bbd0507b25 [/go] ar|12:00:45.947 [go] Uploading artifacts from /go/pipelines/boliga-ui-build-lt2/parent.env to artifacts ex|12:00:45.994 [go] Job completed boliga-ui-build-lt2/290/build/1/docker_build on 86bbd0507b25 [/go]